Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Dear Reader:

As you might be able to tell, this is the first post (of hopefully many, many posts) on a new blog. More specifically, it's the first post on my new blog. As you also might be able to tell, I intend this is to be a blog that will cover matters in the fields of law and politics, as well as "miscellaneous nonsense" --defined as whatever interests me at any particular posting time on any particular day. Part of me wishes that I had some some semi-original concepts for topics to cover here or for a blogging format, but, well, I don't. What this site's setup lacks in creativity, however, will hopefully be made up in the quality of individual posts on it. Hopefully.

For those of you who are familiar with my postings (admittedly, it's been a while) on Semper Liberi, a now dormant blog for the members of the Federalist Society chapter at the West Virginia University College of Law, you'll find my missives on legal topics here to be similar in tone and style (but perhaps sometimes exhibiting the effects of a couple of years of intellectual polish and skill development.) You'll also read a bit about some of my interests and views outside of the law, such as they are. For those of you who don't know me at all, if you decide to stick around you'll learn soon enough.

Postings are all well and good, but comments are really what separate good blogs from merely serviceable blogs. Any and all comments of any remotely constructive nature are welcome and much appreciated here. Though, of course, I reserve the right to delete any material I deem defamatory or otherwise inappropriate for this site.

That's nearly enough pontificating on the nature of this blog for now. There is one further thing to address here, however: the name of this site. Repeated references to "this blog" are ungainly and indistinct. I rather like the name "LPMN"; it's short, it's unique (well,except for the Libertarian Party of Minnesota), and it's an acronym. What more could you want?

(Seriously, though, if you have naming suggestions leave them in the comments. I might change my mind. Unlikely, but possible.)

So, with no further adieu let's get started.



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